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5 Design Mistakes to Avoid

You're not alone in your admiration of beautiful design. Unfortunately, there are a few common design mistakes that many people make. By learning some of the most common mistakes, you can start to create designs that stand out and look great on any device.

1. Ignoring Hierarchy

When it comes to design, one of the most important concepts to understand is visual hierarchy. This refers to the way in which you organize design elements by their level of importance. The size of words and images plays a big role in this, as larger elements will be noticed before smaller ones. Failing to adhere to this can lead to something called 'word overload' - when users are overwhelmed by too much similarly sized text on one page.

2. Inefficient Kerning

Kerning - or the spacing between letters - is an important aspect of web design. Just as you want well-written text, you also need correctly spaced letters in order to achieve a readable design. If kerning is done incorrectly, it can not only confuse readers, but also cause them to overlook the information you are trying to present.

3. Lack of Negative Space

The word ‘negative’ usually has a bad connotation and perception in our minds, but in this case negative is good! A lot of designers are scared to use negative space in their visual designs, but this white space is actually just as important as the content on the design. It helps improve user experience by making it easier for people to read. Instead of looking at white space as empty space, consider it like any other important element of design. In fact, the more white space there is, the more the content will stand out.

4. Not Choosing the Right Colours

One of the most important - and often overlooked - aspects of design is the choice of colours. When it comes to branding, it's especially important to select shades that will contrast/complement well and are on-brand. If you're not careful, a project with great potential can quickly fall apart because of poor colour choices. So take your time in this process.

5. Mismatching Fonts

Just as knowing how to use colour, spacing, and layout effectively can make your designs look great, knowing how to pair fonts is another essential skill. When done correctly, font pairing can communicate a message all on its own. For example, there are fonts that communicate elegance and formality, while others have more of an approachable and lighthearted look.

When it comes to fonts, non-designers often make a common mistake: using too many of them. This can quickly make your design look unprofessional and disorganized. A good rule of thumb is to stick to 2-3 fonts maximum. If you can, use different weights of a typeface for added visual interest.

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